Professional Application Development Services

Transforming Ideas into High-Quality Applications with Expert Precision

Streamline and automate your non-core processes with our BPO and digital transformation services.

Cognysync provides front-office and back-office support services to ensure your business runs smoothly as you focus on the core aspects of your company.



One-Stop Shop

Our specialized industry-specific teams provide skill, intelligence, and efficiency to drive value and growth. With our innovative resources, we will help you increase operational flexibility.

Specialized Teams

Cognysync's industry-specific support teams are comprised of dedicated experts, having decades of specialized experience. Our teams keep up with trends, regulations, and processes to stay ahead and produce optimal solutions.

All-Encompassing Support

We offer a blend of technical and non-technical resources, from customer service and human resource management to IT infrastructure support with managed services. Our experts and professionals will work to provide optimal solutions that fit your specific needs.


Our expert advisors will help ensure a seamless process outsourcing experience with functional expertise and strategy. Through a combination of technology, data, and industry expertise, we will kick-start your BPO journey and work with you on your long-term path to greater efficiency and a competitive advantage in your industry.

BPO Services

We offer a wide variety of BPO services to support your non-core processes and facilitate growth and scalability.

Customer Service

Chetu can provide optimal support for your organization’s customer service needs. Our specialists will help you gain and maintain customer loyalty by providing scalable world-class customer support services as we handle your customer queries received through all channels of communication.


Streamline your finance and accounting processes with us as we take care of accounts receivables and accounts payable including check entry, invoicing, payment tracking, payment follow-ups, and other necessary components of accounting for your business.

Human Resource Management

Our human resource management services include payroll, time clock management and reporting, and HR annual reports. With our personnel, technical tools and resources, we can take the HR side of your business to new heights of efficiency and help you manage and retain talent.

IT Infrastructure Solutions

Your IT infrastructure is in good hands with our skilled experts prepared to fulfill your IT needs when it comes to design, implementation, monitoring, storage, and security. We can manage your in-house devices, cloud servers, and user accounts while also providing backup & recovery services and business continuity plans.

Claims Processing

Chetu can optimize your claims processing with a streamlined workflow that includes automation. By taking on the large quantities of data you would have to deal with to process a high volume of claims, we can help you reduce operational costs and save time.

Data Entry

Save time and resources with our data entry services where we can enter, process, store and convert data per your needs. Our data entry services can facilitate growth for your company by taking a typically cumbersome process, streamlining it, and automating repetitive manual tasks.

DevOps Support

Our DevOps experts will help your business processes reach optimal efficiency through automation and digital transformation.

Process Automation

We automate repetitive business processes with intelligent technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA). Our custom-developed RPA tools are capable of intelligent document recognition, data extraction, excel automation, and image processing.

Development & Implementation

Our experts can develop and implement custom technical solutions to fit your business needs. We provide continuous integration and delivery as well as monitoring, alerting, and incident response to maintain the health of your IT system.

DevOps Success Teams

Our DevOps specialists provide not only tangible technical solutions but consulting services that include planning and assessment, QA testing, and onboarding. We have the personnel and resources to ensure success in meeting your IT infrastructure needs.


Drop us a line or give us ring about. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.